ECE 345: Introduction to Electrical Engineering is a 2-credit course taught at Michigan State University for non-Electrical and Computer Engineering majors. There are two 50-minute lectures per week. The catalog description for this course is: Electrical and electronic components, circuits and instruments. Circuit laws and applications, frequency response, operational amplifiers, semi-conductor devices. The prerequisites for this course are current enrollment or completion of a first semester calculus.
The companion textbook used in this course is :
Rizzoni & Kearns, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, McGraw-Hill, 2016, 6th Edition or later.
On-Line Course
A YouTube Channel ( ) has been made to recreate the classroom experience for this ebook. This on-line version of the course is intended for non-ECE students at MSU. However these videos will also allow anyone, student, hobbyist or engineer (with the minimum background of an algebra course and an introductory course in calculus) to take this course at their own pace. You can find a suggested Self-Paced Instruction section near the end of this ebook.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Electrical Engineering
A.C Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Review
1.3 Brief History of Electrical Engineering
1.5 System of Units
Prefixes, Engineering Notation
Chapter 1: Supplemental Problems and Solutions
Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
2.2 Charge, Current, and Kirchhoff’s Current Law
Charge, Current, Nodes, Conservation of Charge, Kirchhoff’s Current Law, Interpretation of Signs, Alternate Form of KCL
2.3 Voltage and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
Voltage, Closed Path, Conservation of Energy, Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, Interpretation of Signs, Alternate Form of KVL
2.5 Ideal Voltage and Current Sources
Ideal Voltage Source, V-I Characteristics, Ideal Current Source, V-I Characteristics
2.4 Electric Power and Sign Convention
Power, Energy, Passive Sign Convention
2.6 Resistance and Ohm’s Law
Ohm’s Law, Conductance, Power, Resistor, Open Circuit, Short Circuit, Series Resistors, Voltage Divider, Parallel Resistors, Current Divider
2.11 Measuring Devices
Ohmmeter, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Wheatstone Bridge
Chapter 2: Supplemental Problems and Solutions
S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4, S2.5, S2.6, S2.7, S2.8, S2.9, S2.10, S2.11, S2.12, S2.13, S2.14, S2.15, S2.16
Chapter 9: Semiconductors and Diodes
9.3 Circuit Models for the Semiconductor Diode
Ideal Diode, V-I Characteristics, Piecewise Linear Model, Transition Point, Assumed States for Analysis, Strategy for Guessing States, Example
9.2 The Semiconductor Diode
Non-Ideal Diode, V-I Characteristics, Piecewise Linear Model, Light- Emitting-Diodes
9.5 Half-wave Rectifiers
Converting AC to DC
9.6 Zener Diodes
Piecewise Linear Model, Shunt Regulator
Chapter 9: Supplemental Problems and Solutions
S9.1, S9.2, S9.3, S9.4, S9.5
Chapter 8/15: Operational Amplifiers and Comparators
8.2 The Operational Amplifier (Op-Amp)
Ideal Op-Amp, 0V-0A Property, Inverting Amplifier, Power Supply Limitations, Non-Inverting Amplifier
15.5 Comparator
Ideal Comparator, Inverting Crossing Detector, Non-Inverting Crossing Detector
Chapter 8/15: Supplemental Problems and Solutions
S8.1, S8.2, S8.3, S8.4, S8.5
Chapter 3: Resistive Network Analysis
3.2 The Node-Voltage Method
Node-Voltage Inspection Property, Node-Voltage Analysis with Current Sources, Cramer’s Rule, Node-Voltage Analysis with a Voltage Source
3.3 The Mesh-Current Method
Planar Circuits, Mesh-Current Inspection Property, Mesh-Current Analysis with a Voltage Source, MATLAB, Mesh-Current Analysis with Current Sources
3.5 The Principle of Superpositon
Superpositon, Zero Sources, Proportionality, Linearity
3.6 One Port Networks and Equivalent Circuits
Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s Theorem, Source Transformations
3.4 Dependent Sources
Dependent Voltage Sources, Dependent Current Sources, Node-Voltage Analysis with Dependent Sources, Mesh-Current Analysis with Dependent Sources, Op-Amp as a VCVS, Inverting Amplifier – Revisited, Modeling with Dependent Sources, Stereo Pan-Pot Circuit, Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits with Dependent Sources
Chapter 3: Supplemental Problems and Solutions
S3.1, S3.2, S3.3, S3.4, S3.5, S3.6, S3.7, S3.8, S3.9, S3.10, S3.11, S3.12, S3.13, S3.14, S3.15, S3.16, S3.17
Chapter 10: Transistor Fundamentals
10.2 The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
NPN, Active Region, Saturation Region, Cut-Off Region, Edge-of-Saturation, Edge-of-Cut-Off, NPN Examples, PNP, Active Region, Saturation Region, Cut-Off Region, Edge-of-Saturation, Edge-of-Cut-Off, NPN – PNP Example
Chapter 10: Supplemental Problems and Solutions
S10.1, S10.2, S10.3, S10.4, S10.5
Chapter 5: Transient Analysis
4.1 Energy-Storage Circuit Elements
Capacitance, V-I Characteristics, Power and Energy, Capacitor, Insulation Resistance, Parallel Capacitance, Series Capacitance, Inductance, V-I Characteristics, Power and Energy, Inductor, Equivalent Series Resistance, Series Inductance, Parallel Inductance
5.3 Transient Response of First-Order Circuits
Step Response of an RC Circuit, RC Circuit Algorithm, RC Charging Circuit Example, Significance of the Time Constant, Step Response of an RL Circuit, RL Circuit Algorithm, Natural and Forced Response, Transient Response with an AC Source
Chapter 5: Supplemental Problems and Solutions
S5.1, S5.2, S5.3, S5.4, S5.5, S5.6, S5.7, S5.8, S5.9, S5.10, S5.11
Chapter 4: AC Network Analysis
4.2 Time-Dependent Signal Sources
Sinusoids, Cycle, Period, Frequency, Phase Angle, Amplitude, Average and RMS Values
4.4/5 Phasors and Impedance
Vector Representation of Sinusoids, Phasors, Euler’s Identity, Complex Numbers, Rectangular Form, Polar Form, Phasor Transform, Inverse Phasor Transform, Complex Algebra, Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law with Phasors, Kirchhoff’s Current Law with Phasors, Ohm’s Law in the Frequency Domain, Impedance, Admittance
4.6 AC Circuit Analysis Methods
Series Impedances, Phasor Analysis Algorithm, Series Resonance
Chapter 4: Supplemental Problems and Solutions
S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S4.4, S4.5, S4.6, S4.7
Chapter 6: Frequency Response and System Concepts
6.1 Sinusoidal Frequency Response
Fourier Series
6.3/4 Filters
Low-Pass Filter, Bode Plots, High-Pass Filter, Band-Pass Filter, Band-Stop (Notch) Filter, Second-Order Low-Pass Filter, Second-Order High-Pass Filter
Chapter 6: Supplemental Problems and Solutions
S6.1, S6.2, S6.3, S6.4, S6.5